

Photos made to Remigio
Photos made by Remigio
Foto de Agres
01 En un parc de València PV_abans de guerraFotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

Remigio in the Nursery Park of València_negatiu in glass plate (1920s)

01 Amalia i Grup familiar en la font davant del Palau Ripalda, València PV 2 detallde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Ripalda Palace family group_detail_glass plate, 1920s (author: Remigio Soler)

104 1931_05_01 LP Actualidad Gráfica (3)
Photos made to Remigio

Las Provincias - Actualidad Gráfica (1-5-1931)

06 Remigio en una excursio per la Mariola, Agres-Alacant PV_abans de guerraFotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

Retreat on a trip through the Sierra Mariola, 1930s (author: his brother Joaquín)

14 Remigio Soler_en la Plaça Ajuntament de València 1Fotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

Remigio Soler in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia around 1960

10 En Florència amb el nebot Vicent Soler 17-4-1966Fotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

In Florence with his nephew Vicent Soler (17-4-1966)

02 Dones apanyant xarxes_Mar Cantàbric_dècada dels 60de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Women forming pesca_Viatge networks on the Cantabrian ledge in the 1960s (author: Remigio Soler)

Photos made to Remigio

Remigio Soler in the 1970s (studio photo)

111 Remigio Anys 80
Photos made to Remigio

Remigio Soler attending a tribute that Agullent (Valencia) made to its elderly people in 1980

112 Agres en el segle XXI (2005)
Foto de Agres

Panoramic view of Agres in 2005

03 Noçes de Remigio i Amalia, Agres 8-6-1926Fotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

Although the wedding was held in Valencia on 6-6-1926 the agape was held in Agres, Alicante on 8-6-1926

04 Remigio i un Grup en una excursió per la muntaña PV_abans de guerraFotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

Remigio Soler i Amalia with a family group on a break during a mountain excursion about 1930

05 Remigio i un Grup familiar en Sant Esperit, Gilet -València PV_abans de guerraFotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

On the right of Remigio Soler and next to him sat and with garrot his wife Amalia, together with a family group on an Easter day in Gilet, Valencia, about 1930

07 La Mare de Deu Agres en Valencia
Photos made to Remigio

Close to the image of the Virgin of Agres that she had sculpted in 1939 and under the AGRES sign, at the arrival of the image in Valencia in May 1948.

08 Últimant el mural de la Pentecosta, parroq. del Salvador, Ibi-Alacant_1948Fotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

Remigio Soler finishing the mural of Pentecost, in the parish of El Salvador, Ibi-Alicante-1948

09 En Roma amb la família del germa Joaquín. Del 14 a 16-4-1966Fotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

In the center with a Remigio Soler hat in front of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, next to the family of his brother Joaquin, April 1966

12 remigio Soler amb la família pujant al MontcabrerFotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

Remigio Soler with the family climbing Montcabrer in Cocentaina, Alicante

13 En AgullentFotos a Remigio
Photos made to Remigio

Remigio Soler in Agullent with the family

15 Resoto a Serra en Galceran
Photos made to Remigio

Remigio Soler with relatives in the hermitage of San Miguel de Serra d'en Galceran, about 1971

03 Voltants de la placa Espanya_Madrid_dècada dels 40 1de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Around Plaza de España in Madrid in the 40s

05 Maria Carpio i una amiga 1961_Massanassa (València)de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Maria Carpio and a friend, Massanassa (Valencia) 1961

04 Creu Coberta i xiquets, València sobre 1955de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Creu Coberta i xiquets, Valencia about 1955

07 Placa de Serra en Garceran-Castelló_Decada dels 60 bis de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Serra d'en Garceran Square-Castelló, 60s

06 En abeurador, Agullent-Valènciade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Cavalry in the trough, Agullent-Valencia

10 Carrer de Serra En Garceran_velleta amb ferrà al cap-dècada dels 60de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Serra d'En Garceran street_velleta with iron on its head, 60's

09 dones treballant en una conservera,Vigo_dècada dels 60de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Women working in a canned fish, Vigo late 60s

08 Ermita de Sant Vicent-Agullent-València_dècada dels 60de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Hermitage of San Vicente-Agullent-Valencia_60s

12 Familía de la Cornisa Cantàbrica_dècada dels 60de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Trip Cornisa Cantabrica family_60s

11 Port_de_Catarroja, València_postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Port of Catarroja or around the Albufera lake-Valencia

15 Creu Coberta, València sobre 1955de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Creu Coberta, Valencia about 1955

14 Alqueria del Torrentí des la finestra, Sant Marcel·lí-València_dècada dels 60de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

L'Alqueria del Torrentí from the window, Sant Marcel·lí-Valencia, 60s

13 Oques per Horta de Valènciade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Geese for the Horta de Valencia

18 Carmen, filla de Remigio amb dos netes en la placa de la Mare de Déu, València 1961de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Carmen, daughter of Remigio with two granddaughters in the Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia 1961

16 Ermita de Ntra. Sra. de Gràcia, Caudete-Albacete_dècada de los 50de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Hermitage of Ntra. Sra. de Gracia, Caudete-Albacete_ 50s

17 posguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

The Serrano Towers, Valencia

20 Carrer de Sant Vicent_Placa_de_la_Reina, València_potsguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Sant Vicent street-Reina square, Valencia

21 Carrer Periodista_Azzati, València_postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Periodista Azzati street, Valencia

19 Placa_de_la_Mare de Déu, València_potsguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Virgen square, Valencia

23 Carrer del Micalet, València_postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Micalet street, Valencia

24 Placa de la Reina_reflexos, València 1950-1960 postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Reina square, Valencia 1950-1960

22 Port_de València, postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Port of Valencia

25 Plaça_de_la_Reina, València_postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Reina square, Valencia

26 Xiquets jugant en la Glorieta o el Parterre, València_postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Children playing unidentified place, Valencia

27 La Trilla_potsguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

La Trilla unidentified place

30 Plaça_de_la_Reina 2_postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Reina square, Valencia

29 Carrer_de_Sant Vicent Màrtir, València_postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Sant Vicent Martir street, Valencia

28 Preparant el camp per a fer el planter arròs_postguerra de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Preparing the field to make the rice seedling, Valencia

31 Plaça_de_Almoina, València_postguerrade Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Almoina square, Valencia

32 Palau de Ripalda, València 1 PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Reflexes, Ripalda Palace, Valencia (recovered from glass plate negative)

32 Xiqueta en Rosaleda PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Daughter of Remigio in the Nursery Gardens, Valencia (recovered from negative in glass plate), detail

33 Amalia en el Parterre, València PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Amalia, wife of Remigio, in The Parterre, Valencia (recovered from negative in glass plate)

35 Agres PROCESION-VIRGEN 2de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Procession of the Virgin, Agres-Alicante (recovered from negative in glass plate)

36 Grup nombrós junt a camioneta PV 2de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Large group together with van (recovered from negative in glass plate), detail

34 Grup de dones en lhort dun mas PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Group of women in the orchard of a farmhouse (recovered from negative in glass plate)

39 Grup de dones en lhort dun mas PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Group of women in the orchard of a farmhouse (recovered from negative in glass plate)

38 Amalia i grup familiar en en lantic carrer Trinquet, Agres-Alacant PV 2 detallde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Amalia, Remigio's wife, to the left of the image and family group in the old Trinquet street, Agres-Alicante (recovered from negative in glass plate), detail

37 LAmbaixada del Pastor abans de guerra, Agres-Alacant PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

The Embassy of the Shepherd, from before the war of 1936-39, Agres-Alicante (recovered from negative in glass plate)

41 Amalia amb un Grup de dones en el camp PV 2 detallde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Amalia, Remigio's wife, with a Group of women in the field (recovered from glass plate negative), detail

40 Àngels en lestudi de Portal de Valldigna, València PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Angels in Remigio's studio in Portal de Valldigna, Valencia (recovered from negative glass plate)

42 Filla de Remigio junt a un tabernacle en lestudi, València PV 1de Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Daughter of Remigio next to a tabernacle in the studio of Portal de Valldigna, Valencia (recovered from negative on glass plate)

43 Grup de dones en lAlbereda PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

On the right Amalia, Remigio's wife, with a group of women in the Alameda, Valencia (recovered from negative on glass plate)

44 Grup dalt de roques PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Hiking group on top of rocks (recovered from negative in glass plate)

45 Grup familiar en Sant Esperit, Gilet-València PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Family group on Easter day in Holy Spirit, Gilet-Valencia (recovered from negative in glass plate)

46 Amailia en els Vivers potser, València PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Amalia, Remigio's wife, in the Nursery Gardens, Valencia (recovered from glass plate negative)

47 Creu de terme dAlbaida PVde Remigio
Photos made by Remigio

Term cross of Albaida, Valencia (recovered from negative in glass plate)

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