
2.2. Profane work

In his whole civil and easel production we have to mention: seascapes, landscapes, urban landscapes and landscapes into other works; the portraits and caricatures; the still life; the paintings of flowers… We worked for institutions, organizations and individuals; he painted on his own initiative or did it for trade fairs and exhibitions.

Riu-Rau de Xàbia , Alicante

Author – Remigio Soler
Place: Private collection, València
Technique: Watercolour on paper
Measures: 33 x 23 cm.
Year: 1955

Color and light evolution.

Inheritor of the Naturalism and Impressionism he adopted the painting style of some artists like Domingo Marqués, José Benlliure Gil, Santiago Rusiñol, Ignacio Zuloaga, Pinazo, Fillol, Joaquín Sorolla… Any proposal that feeded his conviction of forming Poetry, expressed plasticaly by the luminous colour and the nature-watching.

Right through his training, his easel paintings, over all his landscapes, tied still to the Realism, Naturalism and valencian local manners. But, at the same time, we can notice little traces from the Mediterranean Impressionism.

In the 20´s, 30´s and 40´s he changed clearly and put his faith in a “Sorollisme” of plain colouring. Those compositions were made with simplicity.
In the 50´s, 60´s and 70´s, following still Sorolla, he developed to a personal style: transparences, washes, bounded textures, enveloping perspectives and chromatic complementary combinations. Free brush-strokes. The colour always in the service of the light and the aerian perspective.


Recreation of the "Portalet de Valldigna", Valencia

Author – Remigio Soler
Place: Private collection, València
Technique: Watercolour on paper
Measures: 15,2 x 21,5 cm.
Year: 1940s


La Carícia del pastor

Author – Remigio Soler
Place: Private collection, València
Technique: Oil on wood
Measures: 60 x 86 cm.
Year: 1967

Mural and decorative painting

In the 20th century, the well-off social classes needed to express his own prestige and power economical and social. There were big Maecenas of painters like Remigio Soler. He painted and decorated lounges and hauses of that rising middle class and the last aristocracy. Crafts «trompe l’oeil», illusory constructions, ornamental borders, bunch of flowers, still life and landscapes… will perform the plastical compendium represented. Walls covered with paintings in fresco, with charcoal, wax, ornments in gold and silver, stone marble and wood imitations… Urban decorations following the palaces ambients and rooms.
We must point the wall pictorical decoration that he did in the plenary room in the Agres City Council. Today is a dissapeared work.

Llavador de baix i Convent de les Monges de Agullent, València

Author – Remigio Soler
Place: Private collection, València
Technique: Watercolour on paper
Measures – 21 x 15 cm.
Year: 1967

Other artistic expressions.

He worked too in the design of scenographies and theatre; “falles” painting and decoration; graphic design, illustration and posters; tapestry decoration and standards…


Dibuix de Relleu de Grotescos

Author – Remigio Soler
Place: Private collection, València
Technique: Coal on Ingres paper
Measures –32 x 49,5 cm.
Year –Curso 1914-15


Dibuix d’home amb Rodina Valenciana

Author – Remigio Soler
Place: Private collection, València
Technique: Coal on Ingres paper
Measures – 47,5 x 61,5 cm.
Year –Curso 1920-21

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